Burberry tops Pinterest

Despite being 156 years old, Burberry is proving to be a very progressive brand with its use of innovative social media platforms. It is currently the leading British fashion brand on Pinterest, the image-sharing social network that has gained huge traction around the world since it launched in 2010.

Pinterest, which allows users to share and showcase links and images, only took 3 years to reach 25 million active users. There is also a growing body of evidence that it could be better at driving conversions than other social networks like Twitter. It is the perfect platform for visual brands such as fashion labels, something that Burberry have exploited with the stunning imagery shared on their ‘boards’.

In fact, Burberry boasts almost double the followers of Topshop, the No 2. UK fashion brand on Pinterest; and are streets ahead of retail icon Harrods.

Burberry are using Pinterest for a variety of purposes:

  • Promotion of their latest clothing lines
  • Amplification of marketing campaigns
  • Showcasing flagship stores
  • Reinforcing the heritage and ‘Britishness’ of the brand

Have a look at Burberry’s amazing use of imagery on its Pinterest board for creative inspiration.

The full results of other UK fashion brands can be seen here (please note, I have just looked at reach of boards, not engagement levels or influence).

Picture courtesy of Tammy Manet, Sunday in the Park under a creative commons Attribution-noDerivs 2.0 generic license

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